Auricular Acupuncture Practitioner Certificate
Auricular Acupuncture is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and is taught using the traditional Chinese ear map rather than a set of complex charts and systems, tools, machines and gadgets. The Chinese approach is clinically useful and practical. You will learn over 120 points and a dozen needle protocols to treat wide-ranging lifestyle problems and conditions.
This is a Professional Practitioner Certification in Auricular Acupuncture mapped to the National Occupational Standards (NOS), comparable qualifications to NVQ 2 at Level 3
Anatomy & Physiology qualification required as a prerequisite.
What You Will Cover:
Auricular Acupuncture (Needling)
- Practical Needling from Day One
- Practical Location and Function of over 60 points
- Over 12 Empirical Protocols including Addiction, Rapid Pain Relief, PTSD, Anxiety, Insomnia, Digestive issues and more.
- Pathology of the Ear
- Safe Needling Practices and Techniques
- Practical Use of Needles, ASP’s, Seeds and Magnets
- Case Studies consolidate your knowledge and confidence in practice.
Expand your career as a Acupuncturist
Material covered in this Certificate:
- Introduction to anatomy of the ear
- Basic principles: Yin & Yang
- 5 elements metal, fire, earth, wood and water
- Understanding the imbalances of the elements that lead to dysfunction and illness.
- Needle protocols to treat conditions of these imbalances to achieve health and wellness.
- Principles of diagnosis
- 5-point Nada protocol
- Health & safety for auricular acupuncture
Qualifications gained
This is a Professional Practitioner Certification in Auricular Acupuncture mapped to the National Occupational Standards (NOS), comparable qualifications to NVQ 2 at Level 3
Starting Dates:
7th September 2024
8 weekends in class. Timetable sent with introduction email.